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    Good a beautiful and Pinggu is similar to the Wudang Mountains, because the same are occupied by a group of martial arts masters. The difference is, however, peaceful valley of the martial arts masters, all animals.Panda Bao (Jack Black) is probably not rare martial arts Valley residents. Fat, dull Abao noodle business in his father working at his father want to be able to inherit A Bao Noodle House, but the A Bao was bent on learning martial arts, becoming the first martial arts master in the valley. However, this right has always been lazy for the A Bao is also just a distant dream.Recently, the turtle master ominous foreboding: devil snow leopard Hashimoto, trapped it is about to break through years of dark prison, Taro after his release will come and Pinggu revenge. As a result, martial arts, and Pinggu to immediately convene the General Assembly to elect a representative of the fight against Hashimoto.Gu Min is the Valley's most promising five masters: Jiao Fu masters, Trimeresurus stejnegeri snake, monkey master, Master Crane, and Mantis Master. These five master chef in a small sub-panda, whose name also directly addressed the master of the Wu set the stage a showdown.Bao such a lively scene, of course not miss, early in the morning to prepare accounts for a good place to watch, but the days were intended to fail to materialize, due to A Bao innate obesity, so he climbed up to contest the General Assembly, on-site spend a great effort, also missed a lot of good movies. However, Bao finally declared the winner when the turtle fairy fall into the scene. Originally wants to be a happy spectators Abao somehow even in the martial arts of the General Assembly was the tortoise Xianshi fancy into a life and death with Taro and Pinggu representative, the findings to the masters quite horrifying.Since God so you can only master certified Abao qualifications. Bao, however, will not be martial arts is a fact, so the only fat in a short time become a martial arts masters to become master Panda career, the greatest challenge. Meanwhile, the five masters, that is pao's senior schoolmates, to a variety of ways to treat a variety of mentality Abao.When the master of despair when the red pandas, turtles master with a firm attitude, affirmed the A Bao's strength, I believe it must become a martial arts Cheats owner! Panda master in an accident to see pao's potential, decided to tap out of this. Red Panda master the use of special teaching methods, within a short period of time so that Abao will become a master of martial arts, martial arts Cheats to get the real, the A Bao Open Cheats, but surprised to find Cheats inside turned out to be empty. As a result, red panda master to decide their own to deal with the snow leopard, so that A Bao and its those few outstanding students lead and Pinggu people to flee the valley.Pao on the run way, his father told him that ancestral home, in fact without any of the soup recipe is the secret of tasty noodles itself! A Bao suddenly able to think of that empty Cheats reflected on his own, he suddenly understood and did not have Cheats, rather Cheats meaning expressed by the highest state of martial arts is to themselves! So he decided to go back to help defeat the red panda Master Taro!Fierce fighting, the A Bao own savvy and master of the martial arts taught martial arts, defeated Hashimoto, saved the valley, brought peace to the valley好山清水秀的和平谷有点类似武当山,因为同样都住着一群武林高手。然而不同的是,和平谷中的武林高手,全都是动物。熊猫阿宝(杰克·布莱克)大概是谷中少有的不会武功的居民。又肥又迟钝的阿宝在父亲经营的面馆里工作,父亲希望阿宝能继承面馆,然而阿宝却一心想学武功,成为谷中第一的功夫大师。但是这对向来好吃懒做的阿宝来说,也只是个遥不可及的梦而已。乌龟大师近日有不祥预感:大恶魔雪豹太郎,即将要突破困住它多年的黑牢,太郎出狱后必定会来和平谷复仇。于是,和平谷要马上召开武林大会,选出一名代表对抗太郎。谷民最看好的是谷中五大高手:娇虎大师、竹叶青蛇、猴大师、鹤大师以及螳螂大师。这五大高手在个子小小的师傅小熊猫,名字也就直接叫师傅设置的武台上一决高下。阿宝当然不放过这么热闹的场面,一早准备占好位置观摩,但天不遂人意,由于阿宝天生的肥胖,使他爬到比武大会现场费了不少功夫,同样错过了很多好戏。但阿宝终于在龟仙人宣布获胜者时掉入现场。原本只想当个开心看客的阿宝竟然莫名其妙地在武林大会中被乌龟仙师看中,成为将与太郎一决生死的和平谷代表,这一结果让师傅相当震惊。既然天意如此,师傅也只好认证阿宝的资格。然而阿宝不会武功是事实,于是要在短时间内将这只胖熊猫变成武林高手成为师傅职业生涯中最大的挑战。与此同时,五大高手,也就是阿宝的师兄师姐,以各种心态各种方式对待阿宝。当小熊猫师傅绝望的时候,乌龟大师以坚决的态度,肯定了阿宝的实力,相信它一定可以成为一个武功秘籍的拥有者!在一次意外中小熊猫师傅看到阿宝的潜能,决定把这种潜能发掘出来。小熊猫师傅使用特别的教学方式,在短时间之内让阿宝变成了会武功的高手,拿到真正的武功秘籍后,阿宝打开秘籍,却惊讶的发现秘籍里面竟然是空的。于是,小熊猫师傅决定自己对付雪豹,让阿宝和它的那几个高徒带领和平谷的谷民逃亡。阿宝在逃亡的途中,父亲告诉他家里祖传的面汤其实没有任何的秘方,味道好的秘诀是面的本身!阿宝突然想到那个空空的却能映出自己的秘籍,他忽然明白,根本没什么秘籍,而秘籍所表达出的意思是武功的最高境界是自己本身!于是他决定回去帮助小熊猫师傅打败太郎!激烈的战斗后,阿宝以自己对武功的悟性和师傅传授的武术,战胜了太郎,拯救了山谷,为山谷带来了和平。
