首页 问答 假面舞会规则



  • 小熊吃布丁 小熊吃布丁

    舞会过程建议: * 参加活动人员根据领取的面具风格自备服装,要求奇装异服,当晚将评选最佳造型奖 please bring your own costume and make sure that it matches your mask. we will choose the best costume in that night. * 入场时即需要带上面具,整个活动当中不可以摘下面具,否则将失去获奖资格 please put on your mask when entering the party. during the party, it is forbidden to put off your mask. otherwise, you will lose your chance to win our gifts. * 来宾入场之后请服从工作人员的安排 when you enter the party, please coordinate with the party committee, we will help you form your group. * 参加活动人员在舞会中保持应有风度 ,谢绝酒后入场,活动中不提供含有酒精的饮料。 in other to maintain the convenience of others during the party, in case you need assistance, please don’t shout loudly at the committee officer.

  • 玄之又玄℡ 玄之又玄℡

    全球最著名的“假面舞会”钢琴曲,就是风靡世界多年不衰的:“哈恰图良的假面舞会组曲 masquerade+”
